NGP White Paper #1 — phew!

So after a flurry of activity, I think the NGP’s first white paper, Accelerating Grants Streamlining, is pretty much done! I wrote about it before on the blog, and will post the final paper here too once I have permission to do so. We’ve had some great input from across the grants enterprise, from organizations such as:

  • State of New York
  • State of Texas
  • OMB Watch
  • Department of Health & Human Services
  • Department of Education
  • Department of Agriculture
  • Department of Transportation
  • Census Bureau

In all, we received and responded to over 90 comments from NGP members on the draft that was sent out. The strong feeling is that we’ll receive a lot more for the next paper, when we hope we’ll be able to provide a more lengthy review period.

What we’ve ended up with is a really in-depth and provocative look at grants management, in the Federal and non-Federal spaces, and some recommendations that make a great deal of sense. Our hope is that the paper will open up the channels of communication between the Federal and non-Federal stakeholders, as those channels have been either closed or sporadic, at best.