GSA setting up “Grants Management” schedule

GSA is setting up a new “Grants Management” SIN (Special Item Number) on their Financial and Business Solutions (FABS) Schedule, a GSA contract through which Federal agencies can buy services. An industry day is being held tomorrow. Registration info is here. The new SIN will:

“Support and assist federal grants management personnel in all phases of the grants management process including, but not limited to, assessing compliance of grantees’ business and financial management systems, assisting awarding agencies in ensuring grantees’ responsible and accountable use of grant funds, assisting with ensuring that grantees’ performance is in full compliance with grants requirements, assisting government Grants Management Officers, Grant Management Specialists, and other grants management personnel, advising government personnel in managing Grant Financial Management systems, managing the project period of performance schedule, evaluating on-going status reports, final reports, and other deliverable products required under the grant program, and assisting in grant close-out procedures.”

One response to “GSA setting up “Grants Management” schedule

  1. Like the tax remission checks, issued by the governing body, grants are given out to help the people to meet out their money burden. Obviously, you don’t need to belong to the lower income group, to avail these grants. The eligibility and criteria is different in each grant and if you qualify for those, they don’t verify any revenue or asset proofs.

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