August 9, 2005

Vienna using social software for grant applications peer review

(Via Boing Boing) A Viennese art group called netznetz has decided to use a “reputation system” to decide how it will distribute the grant money it receives from the local government. The aim is to encourage collaboration among the grantee community…
August 8, 2005

Federal IT Managers Leaning Toward Open Source

(Via Potomac Tech Wire) “An increasing number of government agencies are choosing open source architecture when upgrading their information technology systems, according to a new report from Potomac-based Larstan Business Reports. According to a survey of IT managers in the civilian and…

InfoWorld: Build your business with open source

InfoWorld has an excellent set of reports on how to “Build your business with open source”, with overviews of products in categories including CRM, CMS, business intelligence, business process management, portals, VOIP, and identity. We’re  huge advocates of open source…

NGMA Conference 2006

If you didn’t already know, registration for the National Grants Management Association’s 27th Annual Conference, running from 26–27 April in Washington DC, is now open. The 2005 conference had several highlights for me, which I posted about on my blog.…
August 7, 2005


TagCloud is a new folksonomy tool that “searches any number of RSS feeds you specify, extracts keywords from the content and lists them according to prevalence within the RSS feeds.” This is useful because you can quickly see what tags are…

Scott Berkun project management reading

The Personal MBA is “an entrepreneurial approach to business education.” A key part of this fantastic idea is The Personal MBA 40 which is a list of superior books about business, and two reading groups have been formed to discuss and learn…

AJAX and Windows

There’s a discussion on Slashdot about the potential for disruption in the operating system marketplace, especially Windows, as more applications can be ported to the Web using AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML). The consensus seems to be that AJAX doesn’t threaten…
August 5, 2005

Discussion about Wikipedia on Slashdot

Apparently there’s been an announcement about tighter editorial controls being implemented by the founders of Wikipedia, one of my favorite Internet resources. The point of a wiki is to enable anyone to edit any content as they wish, creating information that…
August 4, 2005

DefCon: Web Service Intrusion — Same Security Holes, New Technology

At DefCon 13, Alex Stamos of iSec Partners gave a very interesting talk entitled “Attacking Web Services”.  In summary, there are currently three known web service attack techniques: Injecting XML into an input box, overwriting tags set earlier in the SOAP…
July 30, 2005

DefCon: Google Ads Phishing Security Alert

DefCon ( is a large annual hacking conference that attracts corporate security personnel, federal agents, and of course, hackers.  DefCon is significant since hackers use DefCon as a forum to unveil security vulnerabilities in tools and utilities we use daily.  The first…