OMB asks bloggers to help push management agenda

GovExec reports on a meeting between Clay Johnson, OMB Deputy Director for Management, and a group of bloggers who helped push S.2590 through Congress. From the article:

Bloggers from across the political spectrum were credited with helping push the legislation quickly through Congress this summer by mounting an effort to expose two senators who had placed holds on the bill.

“The army of bloggers, editorialists and concerned citizens who worked diligently to see this bill pass deserve all the credit and praise today,” said the bill’s Senate co-sponsors, Tom Coburn, R‑Okla., and Barack Obama, D‑Ill., in a statement issued after the ceremony.

At a luncheon sponsored by the IBM Center for the Business of Government in Washington later on Tuesday, OMB Director Robert Portman said that in Johnson’s meeting with bloggers after the event, the deputy director told them, “You’re so good at this. Can you help us with some of our other initiatives?”

He then went on to mention two pieces of legislation in particular, both of which are being stymied due to reticence in Congress. It seems that Johnson sees blogs as a way to “shame” legislators into line, or as their very own public relations operation!