GPC Webcast now available (and send your feedback!)

Just got this through the NGP:

Did you say goodbye too early?

On June 19, 2007, the Grants Policy Committee held a successful Webcast. The subject of the Webcast was grant life cycle changes: data and reporting requirements and impacts on awardee and federal communities, policies, and planning.

The production crew inadvertently informed the viewers that the webcast had ended prematurely before the QUESTION & ANSWER period. Examples of questions you missed:

  • With respect to the new proposed standard reporting formats, what is the approximate timeframe that is expected for final roll out of these forms? And, is there a target date that grantees should anticipate the requirement to use these new forms?
  • How can my institution participate in the subaward pilot
  • Regarding FFATA, I was informed that the intent is to pull acquisition data from FPDS-NG. Is the same intent to pull grants data from FAADS? When will FAAS be web-based?

If you missed the webcast or the Q&A period that followed, all you have to do is click here:

We need your feedback!!

While the production team has estimated over a thousand viewers, we only had 7 feedback forms completed. We desperately need more forms in order for our work to be based on statistically relevant data. Please please take a moment to click here to fill out the form:

Or, if you prefer you can print out the attached form and fax it to me (Charisse Carney-Nunes) at 703.292.9255