Cayuse launches Grantopedia blog

Grantopedia is a new grants management blog being fully launched tomorrow, sponsored by Cayuse. From the press release:

“Through our work with, universities and federal funding agencies we have met and engaged with many well-informed people with exceptional insights into the opportunities that presents,” said Dr. Christian Harker, president and founder of Cayuse. “Grantopedia is our way of providing a forum for those people to share their thoughts with the larger grant community.”

Christian and I talked about TCG’s blog, Behind the Curtain at TCG, which also focuses on grants management, and the objectives we have for it. One of those objectives is to inspire debate and discussion in the broader community, so I’m delighted that Grantopedia is now on the map.

To date, our blog has featured posts by TCG employees. Grantopedia takes a different tack, with guest authors such as Jennifer Flach, formerly system-to-system coordinator at the National Institutes of Health, Dan Nordquist, director of the Office of Grant and Research Development for Washington State University, and Bob Beattie, University of Michigan’s liaison to This is a great idea and I’m ashamed we didn’t think of it first! Cayuse has promised to refrain from advertising their own products through the blog, to keep the discussion as vendor neutral as possible.

Check it out. There’s already an interesting post from Bob to enjoy!