I can’t make the NGP meeting today from 13.30–15.30 EDT so I’ll be catching up via Webcast, but everyone who can attend should! (If you haven’t already registered, you can still join via webcast.) The participation details are below, and the agenda is here: Agenda.NGP.10.22.07.Final.doc.
U.S. Department of Education
PCP Auditorium, 10th Floor
550 12th St SW
Washington, DC 20202–4250WEBCAST: REGISTER TODAY:
MEETING LINK: https://asap2.convoq.com/SchedMtg/Register.aspx?c=MT1343K8PS28
Note: This meeting requires Macromedia Flash 6.0 or above.
Special Instructions: Mute Your Microphone or Use Head Phones;
Questions can be Typed in Message Prompt BoxTELECONFERENCE: For Presenters & Non-Webcast Only:
1–800-516‑9896, New Code: Press # 46525.• L’Enfant Plaza Metro, L’Enfant Plaza Exit, walk up D St SW to 12th St SW
• Smithsonian Metro, Exit Independence Ave. SW, walk down 12th St SW