Press release about Cayuse’s growth

Through the wonders of Google I stumbled upon this press release that gives some high-level information about Cayuse, a company providing software through which grantees can manage their applications:

Leading research and education institutes including The University of California at San Francisco, University of Wisconsin at Madison, University of Massachusetts Medical School, The Ohio State University, and Kaiser Permanente use Cayuse’s software to complete and submit electronic grant applications through the system-to-system interface.

Developed with funding provided by the National Center for Research Resources (NCRR), Cayuse’s solution is used by institutional researchers and individuals to apply for grant opportunities to all 26 federal agencies through

“By providing software that meets’s standards, we are able to directly increase the productivity of our users, reduce their costs of obtaining research funds, and in so doing, advance the cause of science,” said Dr. Christian Harker, president and founder of Cayuse.

I happen to be meeting Chris later this week for a cup of coffee and a chat. I’ve never met him before, so I’m looking forward to learning more about Cayuse and Chris’s vision for its future.