Notes from Stakeholder Meeting 4/18/2007 posts the Webcasts about a week after the event so I thought these notes may be helpful for some folks.

Attendees were:

• Terry Nicolosi, Acting Program Manager

• Michael Burke, NEA CIO and 2007 Chair of Grants Executive Board

• Terry Hurst, HHS

• Barbara Dorf, HUD

• Keenon James,

• Harsha Rao, Chief Architect / General Dynamics

• Michael Pelligrino, PMO

Grants Executive Board — Michael Burke

• Founded in PMA in 2002, to develop a single application system. Assigned to HHS. Board started, now represents 26 agencies and 900+ programs, and $500 billion in funding. 

• Purpose: Provide oversight to and the GMLOB


• Implementation, funding, operation, and future services

• Develops funding algorithm for


• Providing back-end functionality for the government

• Two rounds of selections of leads. 3 selected. Waiting for OMB decisions for others.


• Assessing impact on grantees and agencies, and the implementation issues

• Waiting on cost assessments for this initiative

• The GEB looks at everything related to grants management and operations, as they relate to GMLOB and

FFATA — Terry Hurst

• FFATA to include grants, contracts, and loans

• Amount, transaction type, funding agency, NAICS, CFDA number, program source, award title, description of the purpose, name and location of recipient, location of performance, relationship between parent and awarding entity

• Most agencies don’t have a searchable source for this data

• Questions about the initiative include

• Who answers questions about data provided through the system?

• How do we assure propriety of sensitive data?

• Four subcommittees:

• Grants (Terry and Tom Cooley)

• Contracts

• Loans

• Monthly meetings being held.

• Getting close to an IT solution, allowing the data to be searched across multiple data sources

• Use of middleware (one of two possible solutions)

• Central datasource (cannot be deployed in the required timeframe; benefits over long-term, however)

• Each agency being tasked with responding to OMB to describe their capabilities to provide the data in the timeframe required, or their plan for providing the data

• When the Act was passed, there were some assumptions about the data already being available. These assumptions were not true.

• now available: ask questions and find information at that site

HUD Experience with — Barbara Dorf

• [See the slideshow; available on shortly]

• HUD developed several booklets/handouts, walking applicants through the application process (see for these)

• Can be used by other agencies.

• Key to HUD’s success: Getting customer input

• Great working relationship with staff 2007 System

Terry Nicolosi — Overview

• Registered AORs increased by 354% from FY06

• Submissions for FY07 Q1 and Q2 increased 293%

• Already exceeded total submissions for FY06 by April 15 this year

• Agencies are participating more fully (DOD, DOI, VA, NASA, and DHS highlighted)

• Currently working on operations and maintenance

• Oracle optimization assessment

• Hardware upgrades being completed 4/27 and 4/28 (downtime)

• System to system business process improvement

• New system will be deployed in May


• Ensuring testing and user acceptance

• Complete transition of agencies and applicant system-to-sstem users to Adobe platform by end of FY2007

• Assess future functionality:

• Collaborative per Grantor user group

• Web services

• Improvements to cyrrent Government wide 4040 forms

• Revisit with OMB/OGC on formation of Technical joint Application Design teams compliant with FACA

• Continue streamlining per PL106-107 (sunsets this year)      

• Collaborate with FDP, NGP, NGMA, state and local groups

• has received an Intergovernmental Solutions Award from the American Council on Technology

Keenon James — Status of governmentwide forms

• PureEdge forms have been converted to Adobe

• Same process for submission of application packages

• Agencies with backend systems: There have been no changes to form schema, so no changes needed to those backend systems

• Section 508 testing is completed and all forms are compliant

• SF424 Short and Individual form


• While forms are revised (data field for SSN collection), the current forms have been approved by OMB

• Agencies must provide agency-specific instructions for people to use these forms

• Federal Register notice is forthcoming

• Organization Name field length on 424

• There’s an anomaly on some forms that allow too many characters to be inserted

• With forms conversion, this problem will go away but in the meantime agencies should be aware of the issue


Harsha Rao — Demo of new system

• 2007 system does not impact the 2006 system (e.g. the latter can continue working while we deploy the 2007 system)

• User interface stays the same

• Features

• Parallel processing vs serial processing

• Scalable, reliable, flexible

• Adobe Forms (platform independent)

• Enhanced system-to-system (S2S) support for all applicants and agencies

• Google search   

• Search is not limited to text data 

• Both synopsis data and attachments (Word, PDF, Excel) are searchable

• Architecture

• Oracle 9i database

• WebLogic application server v8.1.5, in a cluster

• Application and user interface

• Adobe services

• New version of the Java Development Kit

• Google Search cluster / Google Appliance

• Testing

• End-user agencies (NIH, NEH, ED) testing now

• April 16: Starting to phase in all other agencies for testing


• Assessment and development of new forms is under way

• Deployment will be on May 1st


Harsha Rao — Demo of the system

• Google Search Appliance now implemented

• [Long taped demo of new functionality; difficult to see it over the Web]

Michael Pelligrino — Outreach update

• Some slight screen changes in application screens.

• Grantor and Applicant User Guides being updated

• Includes materials from testing

• Outreach training material also being updated

• Conducting “Adobe Day” on May 3rd, 2–3pm EDT, via the Web, to learn about the new Adobe platform

• Invitations going to stakeholder groups

• Free Adobe Reader available from now

• Web site update ongoing

• ‘For Applicants’ section complete

• ‘For Agencies’ section being updated

• Revised Technical Library

• System 2 System — includes updated process for 2007 Deployment


• Where can I find more information about the deployment?

• Taped demo will be on

• FAQ also available on

• Outreach materials being developed now (see above)

• Under ‘About’ there is a special area under ‘Program Status’ describing what’s happening with the system, including the Concept of Operations

• When will agencies begin posting grants using Adobe?

• Work with agencies has begun. When agencies complete testing around May 1, agencies will start posting application packages.

• How long will support PureEdge?

• Currently-posted PureEdge packages will be supported to the end of FY07 but all new packages will be using Adobe.

• PureEdge packages will be moved into the archives at the end of FY07

• How will I know what has changed from PureEdge to Adobe?

• Instructions will be provided with every application package.

• When can we get test versions of the new Adobe forms or are they available now? If so where would we go to see them?

• Please send this question to the support team and we can get you scheduled for participation.

• Applicant or agency system to system provider should contact

• XML in the forms is exactly the same so no changes are needed to agency back-end systems.

• When will grantor agencies be able to commence testing of the soon to be implemented Adobe forms?


• See prior answer.


This webcast will be available on in approximately one week.

Next Webcast: July 19th, 1–3pm