July 5, 2006

Independence Is Good, But We Need to Know Why

Just in time for the 4th of July, Kevin Shockey of Tux Magazine encourages users to “declare their independence from proprietary software.”  By comparing the “revolution” of open source software, and desktop Linux in particular, to the American Revolution, he…
May 3, 2006

CPAN (Net::FTP) for Perl Hangs on Cygwin

CPAN is an essential tool for Perl developers.  With the “cpan” command, you can install whole Perl libraries effortlessly.  However, on many default installations of cygwin, cpan simply hangs: cpan> install LWP CPAN: Storable loaded ok Going to read /root/.cpan/MetadataDatabase…
April 12, 2006

Recovering RAID on Linux in Rescue Mode

The software RAID on Linux works very well.  Our backup machine (still using Red Hat 9) uses a RAID‑5 with 6 drives: 4 hot and 2 reserve.  When a main drive fails, a reserve is auto-magically brought in (thanks to the “md” daemon). But last Sunday…
February 24, 2006

Malcolm Gladwell’s started blogging

[Via BoingBoing] Malcolm Gladwell’s books, The Tipping Point and Blink, were extremely compelling, well-informed writing that I think should be mandatory for anyone interested in social change and better decision-making. He’s now started a blog to, as he puts it, “elaborate and…
January 14, 2006

Anonym.os Will Change Your Life

Well, it may not actually change your life, but if you’re in the security field it’s going to make life more difficult. I’m at the second annual Shmoocon, a “hacker” conference mostly devoted to white-hat efforts and general good-gut-type things.…
January 10, 2006

OMB’s selling of e‑government to Congress

Jason Miller at GCN does a great job in reporting on OMB’s report to Congress which attempts to salvage funding for e‑gov projects. The crux of OMB’s problem is that Congress assigns money to each agency for specified purposes but has…
December 22, 2005

Race condition at my bank

I have a bank account that’s set up so when I withdraw funds from that account by wire or check or whatever, if there’s less in the account than the amount I’m spending, the money is automatically pulled from my line of…
December 15, 2005

Copying Text from Encrypted PDF Files

PDF encryption is sort of silly.  If you really wanted to grab the text, you can screen capture each page and then OCR it.  So clearly the true intention of the encryption is to deter the 99% of the users…
December 14, 2005

The Promise of Ajax and DOM: Simple Event-Driven Widget-Based Web Applications

As a Web developer, I have a confession to make: I prefer writting desktop applications.  In an enterprise-level Web application, just to get a usable display tier you need to perform gymnastics in JavaScript, CSS, HTML, JSP, Java, and Struts (a similar set of gymnastics…
December 5, 2005

NCI warns users about using IE

According to an email apparently sent to users at the National Cancer Institute (part of the National Institutes of Health, which is part of the Department of Health and Human Services) on Friday, an IE bug could allow evil web…