Author: TCG
October 12, 2011
TCG Is #36 on 2011 WBJ 50 Fastest Growing Companies List
TCG has been ranked in position 36 on the Washington Business Journal list of the 50 Fastest Growing Companies in the Washington, DC region for 2011. This is TCG’s first time on the list, which is based on consecutive growth…
TCG’s Brian Ibbison Featured in Federal Computer Week Rising Star Profile
Brian Ibbison, who is a technical and project lead with TCG, has been featured in a Rising Star Award profile in Federal Computer Week. Brian’s receipt of this award represents the third year in a row that a TCG team member has been recognized…
October 5, 2011
Telework Exchange Announces Fall 2011 Town Hall Meeting
The Telework Exchange–a public-private partnership focused on eliminating telework gridlock–has announced that its Fall 2011 Town Hall Meeting, Take IT Home, will be held Tuesday, October 18, from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade…
NGMA Announces Monthly Training Luncheon and Webcast Series Schedule
The National Grants Management Association (NGMA) has announced its monthly training series schedule for 2011–2012. The series will have 8 sessions running from October through June and registration is now open. Here is the full schedule:
10/19/11 Grants 101: Featuring Stephen…
Holding Meetings for Fun and Productivity!
How many times have you said (or, depending on your place in the pecking order, thought), “Let’s end this meeting so we can get to work!”
You may be thinking about meetings wrong. Meetings aren’t a distraction from our jobs. For…
September 27, 2011
Introducing the E‑mail Charter
TCG’s mission is to save time and if you’re like me, trying to keep up with the onslaught of e‑mail certainly does not help save time. An article in Sunday’s Washington Post highlighted this growing problem and introduced the e‑mail…
September 25, 2011
Telecommuting Is About Productivity, Not Pajamas
A company called CareerBuilder “the U.S.‘s largest online job site,” sent out a news release this month with the headline “Nearly One-in-Five Americans Who Work From Home Spend One Hour a Day or Less Working, CareerBuilder Survey Finds.” The question CareerBuilder tried…
September 23, 2011
How much does a government employee cost?
What does our federal workforce cost us? It’s a hard question to answer, because the Bureau of Labor Statistics doesn’t say what the loaded cost is. BLS says the average federal salary is $35.65/hour (see their website), but that isn’t the…
September 16, 2011
Old News Is Good News!
Even in today’s world of instant communications, sometimes news still travels slowly. TCG recently learned that it had been recognized by Washington Business Journal as one of the Top 20 Small Technology Companies in the Washington, DC metropolitan area in…
September 14, 2011
TCG Is a 2011 WBJ 50 Fastest Growing Company
TCG has been named by the Washington Business Journal as one of the 50 Fastest Growing Companies in the Washington region for 2011. This is TCG’s first time on the list, which is based on consecutive growth over the last…