Author: TCG
May 23, 2016
Making the First Day Positively Distinct for New TCGers
by Dan Turner, President
Since we recently defined our company persona as “Positively Distinct,” I thought it’d be worthwhile to describe one of the things we do that I think makes us Positively Distinct.
Among other things, Jack Daly says that it’s…
May 9, 2016
TCG Helps Staff Power Up!
There are many ways routine exercise pays off. It can help manage weight, increase flexibility, relieve stress, and lower the risk of major health problems such as diabetes and high blood pressure. It’s important for everyone’s life and health and…
April 20, 2016
Potomac River Watershed Cleanup at Snakeden Branch
At the weekend, TCG lent a hand with Reston Association for the Earth Day initiative Potomac Watershed Clean Up 2016. TCGers and their families and friends volunteered to pick up an amazing total of 159 bags of trash from all across…
March 16, 2016
Adoption Is Hard. Let Us Make It Easier.
Any TCG employee who is interested in embarking on the difficult, fulfilling path of adoption can now claim up to $10,000 in reimbursement from TCG. In addition, we have started an Adoption Assistance program that, similar to an FSA, allows…
January 4, 2016
TCG Positively Charges Relationships with Subcontractors and Energizes Projects
Subcontractors “attracted” to continuing work with TCG
From August to late November, TCG surveyed our subcontractors to gauge our performance as a prime contractor. Happily, there were no “neutron” feelings among our partners and, thanks to strong management practices, prompt payment,…
November 4, 2015
TCG Culture Lauded Once Again
Remember in September how TCG was awarded a Corporate Culture Award? It’s happened again! Today TCG is recognized by’s inaugural Top Company Cultures list, a comprehensive ranking of U.S.-based businesses exhibiting high-performance cultures. We are ranked 12 on the list. Thank you to…
Partnership with Microsoft Beneficial for Everyone
Further deepening the relationship between Microsoft and TCG, a new partnership has been developed between TCG and Microsoft Azure. Azure “is a growing collection of integrated cloud services — analytics, computing, database, mobile, networking, storage, and web…” that will allow TCG to…
October 13, 2015
BFELoB 2015 Fall Forum open for registration
We use a lot of the tools in our work for clients across government and believe many more companies and agencies would do the same if they knew more about the tools! Fortunately, the Budget Formulation and Execution Line of Business…
IC(IC) TCG’s Growth!
Initiative for a Competitive Inner City ranks TCG 83rd in the Inner City 100
Boston-based Initiative for a Competitive Inner City (ICIC) has recognized TCG for our continued growth, ranking us 83rd in the country for our contributions to Washington D.C. The…
October 6, 2015
TCG Recognized by Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption
Adoption is an amazingly selfless (and simultaneously selfish) thing to do. Adopting parents are amazing people, providing a home and family and love to a child in need. Every company should be trying to help their employees build their lives; this is…