Author: David Cassidy
October 28, 2009 data in augmented reality on your iPhone/Android phone
Layar is an augmented reality application for iPhone and Android phones, and the Sunlight Labs have now created a layer for the app through which you can browse data from! “Augmented reality” is a new class of applications that essentially layer…
October 27, 2009
“Facebook” for scientists to be developed
The NIH has funded a new initiative to create a “Facebook for scientists.” The $12.2 million/2 year grant was awarded to a consortium of seven universities, led by the University of Florida, to develop a web resource that will pull together information about…
AABPA Fall Symposium registration is open
The American Association for Budget and Program Analysis (AABPA) has opened registration for the fall symposium, titled Budgeting In A Changing Environment: The New Normal. This is an excellent event for those interested in budget and performance management, as the agenda…
GPC webcast scheduled for December 10
The Grants Policy Committee has rescheduled its November 12 webcast to December 10th. You can check the GPC webcast page for more information. Registration is not required.…
October 26, 2009 tests Adobe Reader 8.1.7 and 9.2 confirms that testing of Adobe’s new versions of Reader are now completed:
Adobe has released Adobe Reader versions 8.1.7 and 9.2. has tested both versions. An issue was identified for Mac PowerPC when using version 8.1.7. When using…
October 23, 2009
GPC, GEB to merge?
Tom Cooley, chair of the Grants Policy Committee, spoke at the NGP meeting on Tuesday (webcast available here) and mentioned that there is some discussion of the GPC and Grants Executive Board merging.
I think this would be an excellent…
EPA awards contract to align with GMLOB
In the first piece of GMLOB-oriented news I’ve heard in a long time, it appears that the EPA has awarded a contract “to transition OGD [Office of Grants and Dabarment] to a new, government-wide grants management system: the Grants Management Line of Business…
October 20, 2009 newsletter, Fall 2009, now available
OK, this is getting silly now. Another grants management announcement today! This time it’s’s fall newsletter. Some interesting stuff here:
54% increase in application submissions during FY 2009.
Recovery Act information on
Submissions now being validated at…
NGMA call for presentations for 2010 conference
Blimey! Today seems to be the day for all sorts of grants news.
The NGMA runs a very successful conference every year, and I’m sure 2010’s event will be no different. They’re inviting people to offer panel ideas. Here are the…
GPC 11/12/09 webcast postponed
I just received this notice and thought others might like to know.
The Grants Policy Committee Stakeholders’ Webcast and Meeting has been postponed to a date to be determined. We will send a revised Save the Date once it has been rescheduled.…